Year Information and Officers for 2025
Theme: Service to Others
Symbol: Hearts
Motto: We rise by lifting others
Scripture: I Peter 4:10
Worthy Matron: Jill Biteman
Worthy Patron: Richard Boitnott
Associate Matron: Su Schmidt
Associate Patron: Steve Scarpelli
Conductress: Sherri Bretland, protem
Associate Conductress: Denise Vanderhorst
Secretary: Lori Sue Luckner
Treasurer: Cathy Scarpelli
Organist: Kim O'Loughlin
Chaplain: Bill Schmidt
Marshal: Theodore Sheline
Adah: Deb Spellman
Ruth: Kim Booker
Esther: Mandy Ennis
Martha: Gloria Adkins
Electa: Vacant
Warder: Georgia Manning
Sentinel: Loren Red